

Mar 11

Episode 18 – The Changeling (1980)

Episode XVIII – The Changeling (1980) – Bouncing Balls and Wheelchairs!!! March 11th, 2013

Our 18th podcast features a terrifying Canadian haunted house movie. The Changeling (1980) stars George C. Scott and Trish Van Devere in the first film to pick up the Genie for Best Picture after the Canadian film awards were given that title. The Changeling represents everything done right with a ghost story. It is a perfect execution of haunted house and mystery. There’s no gore or nudity, making this a wholesome horror very much like the old Hammer Horrors or AIP Vincent Price Poe films. But the chills in this movie are so profound film makers are still paying homage to The Changeling in their works to this day. We make sure to NOT disclose any of the mystery in our podcast so NO SPOILERS on this one. The Changeling was based on a true story from the 1960s. We give you the REAL FACTS about the history on the grounds of Chessman Park, which is stranger and more morbid than the fiction it produced. Take it from us. When General Patton is afraid….you will be too!


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